The Dance of Death

a SOLSTICE ceremony
with maya night


For the Selves passing over,

We lay to rest old identities through abundant grief & powerful pleasure,

Enter the underworld of fear and failure and open to infinite freedom and romance,

Alchemize the healing field of death
to sanctify all of life.


Our culture is addicted to growth. We avoid death. We medicate and vilify and hide the passing of a soul. Funerals are sterile and empty. This portal is full; as our bodies pass on, life enters in to ever crevice connecting us back to true mystery and source.


death is a portal to abundance, devotion & bliss-filled living

priestess of shadow
Death Doula

I used to avoid her.

Early on in my life, I dug deep into my skin. I wanted to be so close to her & yet, I feared failure, change & losing it all. Staying on the brink was my addiction.

I met the Death Goddess face to face.
I started to dance with her.

I learned her medicine, redefined my life on her terms and life started living me.

She gave me an appreciation for all of Life, the beauty of my Body, the bravery to claim wealth and the Wild Artistry of My Soul.

crave your own obliteration.

I’m Maya.

reclaim the lover that you desire to be.
marry yourself to your service.
attune to intimacy as body.
transcend the inauthentic & embody your leadership.
erect a wholeness that lives as legacy.

these are the gifts of death.

 Our Portals

1 / morphos as life

Entering into the darkness of your next version can be terrifying, yet everything you want - the next program, your most impactful strategy, your purest leadership - is found in facing this elemental fear. No more forcing, just pure flow from one creation to the next. I’ll show you how.

2 / bury your
past self

Your past self has brought you so much, yet now she holding you back. Her fear is the next layer of your leadership and abundance. We honor her contributions fully, as we transmute old addictions to growth into the fertility of power, pleasure and purpose.

3 / celebrate the dead

Whatever this season has been for you, the past is your ancestor now. Your business will never be the same. Who is the Universe calling you to be in your body and brand? Call in business lovership, your legacy mission through a full release and celebration of 2020.

2 hour ceremony

ritual movement
communal prayer
intimate connection

This a ritualistic space. Details & Prep below

$188 investment

Client Love

I have invested in my business in countless ways in the past, but my work with Maya has been next-level and invaluable. 

…it has gone beyond the boundaries of my business to help create powerful, palpable shifts in every aspect of my being. 

Monica Justesen

Working with maya is like a medicine journey.

Stefi Lane

The tools, practices and teachings from Maya have been some of the greatest gifts I've received yet in this lifetime. I cannot thank you enough Maya for this experience.

Dani Waldman

Working with Maya will radically change your life & up-level you as a leader.

Taraney Nicole

  • Set a ceremonial space.
    Make sure you have room to move & sit comfortably.
    Create an alter for your past self including a photo of a younger you, something from the earth & something written by hand. Please bring on unlit candle.
    You may also desire a journal & colored writing implements.

    1. I agree to breathe & self-process.

    2. I agree to use I/we statements.

    3. I agree to leave the story & speak to my lived & embodied experience.

    4. I agree to maintain group confidentially. This means you don’t share any personal information with anyone outside of the circle. You are free to share your experience.

    5. I agree that I am capable of holding myself through this process.

    6. I agree to maintain from all forms of violence toward myself and/or others.


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Celebrate. Love. Rejoice. Intend.
Memorialize the year that has changed us forever.

The Dance of Death