the ecstasy effect

womb healing ceremony
with maya night

you will…

awaken safety & love
in your womb

merge the sacred
& sexual

activate new
creative encoding

The Power Of Your

ecstatic womb

Maybe you’re thinking - I should be a little bit less bliss-focused right now. I have a good life, a beautiful life & people are hurting. I need to focus on building the New Earth through my work, my passions, my community efforts.

But deep down, you know,

ecstasy is the most transformational energy on the planet.

this is for those who

+ Want to go from pleasure plateau to passionate self-romance
+ Desire ease, flow & safety in accessing erotic freedom
+ Crave a womb practice that invites allllll of you into her
+ Want the ecstatic, cellular divine healing that happens beyond self-pleasure

Beyond self-pleasure to embodied ecstasy.

I’m not talking about the kind of ecstasy you experience when everything is pretty and sexy. I’m talking about the kind of ecstasy that is available when you’ve been shaking your fists at The Universe for days, when you’ve been in the ugliest victimhood ever, when you’ve watched too much news & low-key believe our species is coming to it’s end.

Ecstasy is the space where all of your expressive
aliveness - fears & dreams - are witnessed by God.

And it’s always available.

By- Inna.lila-7.jpg

i’m maya.

I didn’t think it was possible for me to merge God & the erotic.
There was shame, guilt, so many stories. I was scared. It felt hard.

My heart & my womb were disconnected. I felt lost - like,
“What am I missing?”

Sure, I had good sex and nice orgasms…

but I wanted the sacred to pulsate through my body,
change me on a cellular level.

If only I had known, it was really so easy.

Through the practices I teach in this container, my heart cracked. Self-pleasure became a journey through the cosmos. Crying, feeling an ancient truth, God wants my sex. God is Sex.

My wise, sensual leadership activated anew. I started to pray through pleasure. I experienced full-body orgasm without touch. I created my business within the constant orgy of aliveness that is Life.

My power was born here. So is yours.

Your womb is trustworthy & wise.
Sex is safe, sacred & inherently full of love.
And it really is soooo easy.


An ecstatic womb is...

A Powerful, Responsible Spaceholder

Overflowing in Kindness & Soul Riches

A Sensitive & Innovative Creator

A Transformational Force Easefully Manifesting a New World.

That’s the ecstasy effect.

how it works

Safety, love
& sex

I say it’s easy & here’s why - we use a simple, embodied process for clearing sexual shame & past trauma that disconnects love & the erotic. It’s body-based & it is powerfulllll.

invite the
dark divine

There is so much more than pleasure in your womb. Pain processing, rage, disgust, shame, abandonment, betrayal, holding these is the real cosmic connection that will support you in accessing your erotic potency.

ecstasy as
an sacred art

In the swirl, we invite your most edgy embodiment as we merge, dance, song, prayer through your unique womb codes. Your Magnetic Creatrix, forged between pleasure & pain, wants you here.



video transmission

To set you up with some foundational understandings of trauma as it exists in a body & how to hold the vision of eros for all.


audio ceremony

75 minutes of pure magick, fully held by song, my vocal guidance
& the angels.


receive it right now…

And create the erotic, ecstatic, spiritual ceremony you’ve been dreaming of.