— 6 Somatic Trainings —


6 ritual masterclasses
$900 usd


we journey

In UNNAMED, we enter the deep body.

You’re ready to let go of old shapes, selves & places that no longer excite the cosmic traveler in you.

You no longer want to define or contain.

Another hard core business or money program… it’s not for you.

You want a container that holds all of it,

Beyond brands, beyond dogma, beyond confines,

to call forth the infinite in you.

You want a space to encompass your entire reality
& meet you in expanding your internal territory.

to soma incognita.


who is the unnamed?

She is hungry for blood.

Life bursts through her presence.

She does not need a tight holding.
She need a space to move Her medicine forward with other integral sisters.

You know, you & only you, can bring yourself here.
You want to drop-in, go deep & then go your own way.


You’re calling in

wild wealth,

an untamed love,

untethered co-creation,

a life & biz that breaks all the rules.


i’m maya.

I’ve done my deepest expansion while…
on a dance floor be witnessed,
writing poetry & making money thru it,
exploring my Yoni in ways I never thought possible.

And I’ve created a multi-6-figure, quantum business from ease, depth & integrity in the process.

But as I think back on this year, clients activating their first 10k months, crazy levels of business expansion, that’s fun & good,

But the real medicine and real transformation is cellular,

Actual humxn babies conceived,
Hot sensual nights in The Unkown,
Sisterhood that roams & growls back,

Unnamed is here to elevate the worldess place in you to know - the exploration is everything.


 the unknown is where
the feminine finds herself.

 the vibe of unnamed

Step into is a dojo for the Warrioress.

A practice ground for your Fierce Feminine Presence to penetrate.

Rediscover your own Wild Dancer.

Using the body as our primary skillset to undulate in ease & desire thru whatever wilds may come.

An Embodied Map for your many Selves.

We’ll constellate all your parts - love, wealth & business & more - you are the map.


instantly access


6 somatic trainings

the trainings

These ceremonies are immersive & somatic.

1\the wordless place

Intro somatic coaching, deepening embodied spaceholding & more.

2\unknown architecture

Playing in the unknown, the quantum in business & creation to 6-figures & beyond.

3\womb maps
& wise wealth

Let’s just say, you don’t want to miss this.

4\the intersection of love & business

Unlock unconscious energetic implications on every level

5\veils & shadows

Holding aspects of animus, sexuality, trauma, Tantra & more.

6\mystery as life

A deep-dive into loving mystery, magnetism & the unknown in everything you do.




Client Love

"I've taken tons of courses on marketing, business development, spirituality and more. It always left me NOT doing enough or being enough for myself and business.

I realized I KNOW all the things but I didn't EMBODY THEM which is the ultimate test of walking your talk. 

Before the Embodied Business, I was chasing every shiny object and trying to fit myself into a masculine driven online business world. I realized I didn't want to play by their rules. I wanted to create my own reality, outcome and lifestyle for myself. 

With the EB content, I was able to unlock beliefs and patterns that have been deep inside me preventing me from my glory.

Resulting in me leading my business and my husband's business, making $10k consistently, upgrading my lifestyle, feeling like a QUEEN and having play fun in the process.

Maya has a way to make the simple very potent and I believe now that how we do ONE THING IS HOW WE DO EVERYTHING. 
This isn't you average course; this is a life exploration of your soul and mission.”

Stephanie Lane | StephanieLane.net


A lot of business courses has left me feeling exhausted, depressed, and othered. I was traumatized for not feeling seen as black woman dealing with generational trauma.  Most containers don’t consider the background, culture and race of challenges of women of colour…

Within a few months, I gained more clarity on my voice, message and package. I’ve been invited to be on podcasts, held healing circles and I’m also honoured to be a teacher in one of the leading sexuality school in the world…

Maya is truly an embodied leader. She ignites a light in you that might have been shrouded in fear.

It’s such an honour to be in her container.

Joyce Oladipo | Enchant Life
Sex Coach & Sexuality Educator


Working with Maya in her mastermind, through Muse Alchemy Training & 1:1 Yoni Work has expanded me in every way possible.

Before working with her, I was looking outside of myself and asking others to define me, my gifts, and my future.

Thankfully, there wasn’t any room to give my power away in Maya’s presence. The space she holds is powerful & it asks you to show up for yourself; it’s unlike any mentorship I’ve ever been in. I feel seen, supported and most importantly, challenged. Maya embodies a beautiful balance of both masculine & feminine leadership that is essential to the magick that unfolds in her sessions.

Cait Grant | Embodiment & Breathwork Coach


“Working with Maya will radically change your life & up-level you as a leader.

I recommend all women in the field of embodiment to work with Maya at least once - every single time I invest in her offerings, I am radically revolutionized.”

Taraney Nicole | Priestess

land in the nameless

see you there.